Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My First 5K

This weekend was a whirlwind of awesome (with just a hint of sadness over Philadelphia sports)!  After work on Friday I hopped on a bus to my hometown, Pennsylvania (legal official name, obviously).

After an awesome dinner of delicious Italian food from a local spot I went to bed, like a baller at 10pm.  I had to run 10 training miles before my first EVER 5K the next morning (I know, I totally skipped this really basic distance). 

On Saturday I got a slow start and only squeezed in 7 but whatever, I'm still nursing a cold with limited mileage (justification of lazy much?).  I headed over to the race (which was a memorial for my friend Lauren's father who passed away last year and was a hugely wonderful member of the community) with about 15 minutes to go and got to catch up with a few friends from my childhood.  We decided to line up together and intended to run the race together, until Lauren looked at me and said, "I'm thinking 7:30s, that's doable right?" 

My face did this (I do NOT run that fast...EVER).  When I got my words back I said, girl leave me in the dust I ain't runnin that fast.  Lauren shot off like a bullet (girl is FAST), and I plodded along like my jolly self is prone to do with another one of my lovely friends.  The whole first half was downhill, so I let gravity pull me a little bit, but I knew I'd have to go back up that hill so I tried not to push too hard.  As I neared the finish line I realized I was still under 25 minutes and sprinted the last 50 or so yards to try and finish under.  I finished in 25:05 womp womp.  Next time.

Anyway, as it was a small hometown race I was the 4th place female finisher (and 14th overall out of about 150)! Woot!  I even got a prize (on a technicality since Lauren finished third and was not prize eligible).  I can't wait until I'm done with this marathon and can bring some serious speed training back into my life. 

What are your thoughts on the 5K? Love it? Hate it? 

Which do you prefer: distance or speed?

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