In the spirit of bloggers everywhere I strolled into my office bathroom with my cell phone (totally normal behavior) and snapped a picture of my outfit today. On any given day I would describe my style as girly business bohemian. Today's ensemble clearly radiated towards bohemian. What can I say, I live in Brooklyn, sometimes I get a little hipster. Also, I'm an intern nowadays (after 3 years in the workforce where I uhhh, had my own interns...thanks grad school), so I feel slightly less compelled to dress the height of professionalism. Plus the president of the company wears jeans most days, so I think I'm good.
Anyhow I went out with some of the other young lady interns tonight for happy hour and WOW do I feel old. Mind you this is not because these ladies are immature, nor because I am the height of maturity and sophistication (HAH), but simply because each and every one of them graduated high school when I was graduating from college. That's right friends, my crazy self was moving to NYC and paying my own rent on tips while they were moving into their college dorms. SO JEALOUS! Meanwhile here we are at the same company, working for the same measly stipend and line on a resume. I know that my earning potential when I graduate will rise exponentially, and that I'm filling a slightly different role here as a graduate intern, but it still feels pretty damn foolish to be in the same position as someone who's still in college. Also, 21 year olds are hot. Fail. However, I do have the pride of having saved (and gathered enough credit to borrow) money so that I am completely independent and supporting myself through graduate school, have a few years of valuable work and life experience, and the confidence that comes with it.

Another bonus of being older is the lovely reality that your friends' (parents) now trust you at their beach homes for the weekend and therefore instead of going to some nasty hotel on the Jersey Shore to get wasted and ground (past tense of grind?) up upon by a slew of sweaty testosterone laden guidos, you get to spend a lovely weekend with other adults relaxing and sipping wine on the beautiful beaches of Westhampton (before getting wasted on Bud Lite and dancing to the greatest hits of the 90s). I'm enormously excited because the furthest I've ever gotten onto Long Island was Long Beach via the LIRR. So this lucky twenty something will be spending the weekend with her boyfriend, his brother and girlfriend (thanks Kate!!) in this lovely place. I cannot wait!!
Love it! :)